I went for a jog through what will be our neighborhood the other day, and as usual stopped by to check out our plot. It's overgrown with weeds, littered with leftover building materials, and has more than one empty beer bottle laying around. It's not all junk though - there is a plastic bin I'll pick up and washout for recycling, and someone left us a small pile of basketball sized river rock! I had mentioned to Jesse that if they find any rocks while digging the foundation that they can save them for use in our landscaping, so I assumed that he had gotten them from some other site and dropped them off for us. Turns out that no one has any idea where they came from, and it is somewhat common practice for people to dump unwanted rocks on empty lots. An activity of questionable legality I'm sure, but in this case we won't be pursuing legal action. We should now have plenty of rocks for a nice little pathway up to the front door, and enough to ring a small flower garden to boot!
As far as the actual building process goes, we had a meeting last week, and we're all systems go. We're going to be making some nice upgrades in construction that will mean more labor on my part, but the end result will be a house that would have cost quite a bit more. The foundation will be started sometime in the coming weeks, and if you look at the mountains in the distance you'll see that the snow is starting to pile up on my favorite winter playground, so lots to be getting excited for. Happy Birthday Patrick!!!