Things are again moving quickly. Last week I was at the build site three times one day, and it was a good thing too. The master shower wall needed to be moved out half an inch so we could fit a 5 ft shower pan in, I discovered this slight error while out for my morning jog. When I got home from my jog I got a nagging feeling that the framers were going to miss some changes we had penciled in on the plans, so after drawing up a quick floor plan with the changed measurements I hopped on my mountain bike and headed back over.
The benefits of frequently visiting
your job site - a free hoodie! |
By this time it was noon, and as I feared they were all gone on their lunch break. So, I appropriated a tape measure from the nearest abandoned tool belt and got to measuring. Sure enough they neglected to extend our master bath and closet a foot into the bedroom. We had added three feet to the original plans and wanted to split the extra room between the bath and bedroom portions of the master suite. I had hoped to catch them before they put up the wall dividing the two portions but they must have put it up right before going on lunch break. On top of that, the west facing window in the bedroom was pushed way off to one side, they had never adjusted their measurements to make it centered based on the new wall length. I found a bent nail lying on the ground and appropriated (I love that word :) a hammer from the afore-mentioned abandoned tool belt, and tacked my hastily drawn dimensions to the wall that needed to be moved. Right about when I was getting ready to leave one of the framers came back so I was able to explain everything to him. He mentioned that the foreman had mentioned something about missing some penciled in changes, so they knew what was up. I visited the site one more time that afternoon....

...and it was a good thing I did. I had wanted the doorway to our bedroom moved out a little bit. The original plans called for it to be recessed in an "L" shaped hallway that served no purpose, so by backing it out of the little leg of the "L" we were able to appropriate (there it is again, maybe I should break out a thesaurus?) that little bit of hallway for the door to open up into, instead of it intruding on the actual bedroom. I had to have that poor framer move that wall twice. Sorry for being a pain, but that's where we wanted it. Actually, maybe just an inch farther back...
One of my favorite features on this house will be the rough sawn fir timbers used to frame the front porch, knee braces, and garage overhang. You can see the garage overhang timber in the picture below. Right now where this timber is supposed to go is our biggest question mark. We had added it after the plans were drawn up, so other than the idea that we wanted an overhang over the garage and an example picture (seen in a much earlier post) taken from another house we didn't have much to go on. The problem is that the roof over the porch actually overlaps the edge of the garage. So either the overhang has to run into the roof next to it, in which case it's a foot or so higher than currently pictured, or it needs to tuck under the roof next to it. We're still not sure exactly how that is gong to work out, Jesse said to wait until the trusses are up and we'll have a better idea of what is going on up there.

And finally, as if I hadn't wasted enough of your time already, here is a quick video walk-through of the house: