Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Behold, our sugar tooth maple arrives.

This looks like a fun job.

A really fun job, what a cute little backhoe.

Not too shabby for $50, thanks Bozeman Cost Share Tree Program!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Raised Bed Veggie GardenTac

I didn't have anyone to help me carry a completed raised planting bed from the garage to the backyard, so I assembled the sides in the garage and then carried them to the backyard for final assembly.

I assembled it upside down so that I could attach a wire mesh to the bottom of the bed to keep the gophers out.  Also took advantage of being outside by doing a little grilling.

It was pretty close to nightfall by the time I finished up.
I was just shoveling some dirt around the foundation when it started to pour.

Limei only comes out with the sun.

It was a bit of a stretch for her to get over the chicken wire, but she managed.

A job well done.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Time for Landscaping

We had 3 piles of dirt at least that big to move around.

Look at how smooth that dirt is... not sure what he's reaching for though.

The start of a tropical paradise.  Of sorts.

Potted plants enjoying the rays.

Starting to lay some rocks and get the path established.

Now we're getting somewhere.  Note my Dad taking a break in the background.  Slacker :)

Limei came out as soon as she heard the "P" word.  Plant ;)

And there it is, our finished rock walled flower beds complete with meandering path.  Now we just need to get something to grow in them.