Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back in Bozeman

I realized that poor Patrick is missing out on all of the exciting details of my life due to us refusal to use facebook, so when my Dad came over after Christmas to bust out the circle saw with me I decided to get the blog going again.  Full post on the construction of the bed frame you can just barely see the corner of at bottom right of the first pic will be coming shortly.

We moved the office into the master bedroom, which affords me a much nicer view of the mountains as opposed to the window into my neighbor's house that my old office faced.  You can see the newest member of the Mixed In Key team at bottom center.  He's pretty lazy but good for moral.

Our Mac team should be happy, my new test machine came in the mail last night.  I look really excited but I barely use a Mac at all when I'm at home.  I'm going to use it as a HTPC to get some use out of it.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

That's still an amazing view Chad -- even better in winter ;-).

I know I wouldn't get anything done and just gaze out of the window all day long. I guess I'm more of a 'neighbor's house view' kind of guy...